Tag: fear

The Storm


The storm that is here to unsettle your being. The storm that is here to leave you exasperated. The storm that is here to make your vision hazy. The storm that is here to break you. The storm that is here to rip you apart. The storm that is here to reveal it to you, your innermost self.

The storm that is here to create chaos for the better. The storm that is here to endow you with a different perspective. The storm that is here to strengthen you. The storm that is here to teach you the many lessons you need to learn.

No, this storm is not here to devastate you. It is here to build a brand new you, you never knew you could become!
This storm in your life, is a blessing in disguise!


Daily Prompt: Storm

Photo Courtesy: www.weathersnapshot.com


Scary Delusion


Want to know what cowardice is?

Ask the mother how she feels everytime her baby throws an awful wail,

Ask the soldier’s wife, who pray’s day and night, for her husband’s safe return,

Ask the diligent student, who despite having put in all, fears the results,

Ask the Olympic winner, who fears his rival for the next ordeal,

Ask the kid who waits for a moment, before he finally dives into the pool,

Ask the young lad, who fears to pop the question to his beloved.
Cowardice is a scary delusion,

where meek sheep appear like hounds!

Cowardice ain’t lack of bravery,

but the mere uneasiness to forfeit the calm!

Cowardice if allowed to,

gradually and inadvertently engulfs the soul!

Nevertheless, if the heart ceases being faint,

glories and smiles await!


Today’s Prompt: Cowardice

Photo Courtesy: shushanphotojournal.blogspot.com